Blog Post
by Edward Murphy
“ Your VoC is working, sure, are you converting all that rich data into insights and action? Do you have any stats to show the impact?”

Let’s talk about VoC.
No VoC Impact Yet?
Try This Essential Recovery Alert Tip

So, you’ve…
• Purchased the software (not cheap)
• Implemented the software (time consuming)
• Utilized the software (whew)

And you’re done, right?
Not so much.

Your VoC is working, sure, are you converting all that rich data into insights and action? Do you have any stats to show the impact?

And unfortunately, the SaaS provider does NOT help with that.

Here’s ONE CRITICAL TIP to Get You Started

Conducting a root cause analysis after every Recovery Alert can improve your ROI.

Here’s what to do…

1. Analyze several hundred recovery alerts generated over a few months.
2. Create five to ten broad, root cause categories that are behind most of the recovery alerts.
3. Review and refine the list to make categories crystal clear.
4. Include these root cause categories as “tags” in the alert management system.
5. Require a root cause tag to be chosen before any recovery alert can be considered closed.

⭐Metrics are about the past.
⭐Actions guide you forward.
⭐What’s your return on your VoC Investment?

🗨️We can help you increase your VoC ROI. Let’s chat